Electronic Digital Timer



For dynamics experiments. Designed as a portable smart timer for kinematics experiments, the accuracy is crystal controlled giving 0.01% accuracy for timing experiments. Timer system can be used with up to two photo-gates, or additional inputs from a GM Tube, Time of Flight accessory, pulley systems and so on. The Timer is easy to set up and can measure speed and acceleration as well as time. Specifications
Two function modes: measurement of the time interval between two pulses (determination of average velocity) or the duration of a pulse (determination of instantaneous velocity)
Two input gates
Three timing ranges: 1/10 s (up to 999.9 s), 1/100 s (up to 99.99 s), 1/1000 s (up to 9.999 s)
Large (20 mm) four digit display with over range indicator
Automatic or manual reset feature
Two start mode: chronometer and simultaneous electromagnet release or only electromagnet release
Auxiliary 12 V DC power supply unit for use with release electromagnet
Input: 220 V, 50 – 60 Hz

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